
This is the best jewelry I have discovered, and I'd like to think that it represents some of the most exceptional designs ever created.

Each one of them has inspired me, and I hope they might inspire you as well.


Suzanne Belperron

“[her work] is not fashion, it is a style”

- Coco Chanel


David Webb

“David Webb is the most fashion conscious of jewelers”

- Eugenia Sheppard


Wallace Chan

“He's making those creations for the future, not for the past. He's creating a brand new era of art, which will contribute for future people, collectors - a future world. He himself is a milestone.”

- Yang Liu (collector)


Coco Chanel

“Her first move, ever unconventional, was to offer women costume jewelry that displayed her characteristic wit, and that women at the time could buy for themselves on a whim, without having to depend on the wishes, or the wallet, of a husband or lover.“

- Patrick Mauriès


JAR Paris

“The person most responsible for this freeing of boundaries in high jewelry, and as consequence this extraordinary burst of imagination is Joel Arthur Rosenthal, JAR, alongside his partner Pierre Jeannet.”

- Juliet Weir-De La Rochefoucauld